5 Natural Substitutes (Or Alternatives) to Sugar & Sweeteners
Fudge brownies and lava cake and Boston cream pie, oh my! Skipping dessert has never been your thing, but now, it’s become a must to get your weight and blood sugar levels back on track.
Research shows Americans on average consume nearly 60 pounds of sugar every year. Eating too much sugar can cause heart disease and increase your risk of diabetes, damage your liver, boost your belly fat, damage your teeth, and even cause cognitive decline.
But, don’t think sweeteners like saccharin, ace-K, sucralose, and aspartame are better options. Even these sweeteners may have side effects ranging from headaches to mood disorders, cravings, and poor digestion.
The solution is natural sugar substitutes or alternatives. Let’s explore five natural sugar and sweetener substitutes to try today!
1. Stevia
Stevia is a South American herb that’s been used for several hundred years to promote weight loss and healthy blood glucose levels. The herb offers 200 times the sweetness of sugar, thanks to an element in the leaves called stevioside.
Stevia is a popular natural sugar substitute since it has zero side effects, calories, and carbohydrates. This makes it perfect for anyone following a keto (low-carb) diet. It’s available in several forms, ranging from baking blends to dissolvable tablets, liquid drops, and packets that can be added to a sugar-free drink or used in a zero-sugar baked dessert recipe.
2. Coconut Sugar
Coconut sugar is another in-demand natural sugar alternative. This mineral-rich sugar contains the following nutrients:
- Phosphorus
- Antioxidants
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Zinc
- Iron
Coconut sugar also contains polyphenols, plant compounds that may boost your brain health and digestion, as well as protect against diabetes (type 2) and heart disease.
This sugar substitute also has a low glycemic index, meaning it won’t raise your blood glucose levels quickly. It’s coarser than traditional sugar but measures the same, so adding it to your favorite dessert recipes (e.g., cookies, cakes, and energy bars), smoothies, and homemade nut milk is simple. Coconut sugar users love the fact that this sugar easily dissolves in beverages and has a similar texture and taste to brown sugar.
3. Monk Fruit
Another natural sugar substitute that’s picking up steam is monk fruit sweetener. The monk fruit’s compounds are 300 to 400 times as sweet as cane sugar. However, it doesn’t have any calories and won’t affect your blood sugar.
Use monk fruit sweetener in healthy mocktails, smoothies, cookies, and cheesecakes to satisfy your sweet tooth without added sugar.
4. Miracle Berry
The miracle berry, also called the miracle fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum), is native to Ghana, West Africa. This berry’s active ingredient is miraculin, a taste-modifying substance. When the berry coats your tongue, it will trick your mind into perceiving any sour or tart food, fruit, or drink as sweet without added sugar or sweeteners.
The miracle berry is highly perishable, so eating it fresh isn’t an option for many Americans. However, you can consume miracle berry tablets to take advantage of this natural sugar substitute. The tablets often feature miracle berry pulp that has been freeze dried into a powder. Allow one of these squares to dissolve on your tongue to make low-sugar tart or sour menu items taste sweet for up to an hour.
The miracle berry may be the perfect solution for you if you want to enjoy sweet-tasting foods without spiking your blood sugar levels and are especially useful for people with diabetes or chemotherapy patients. However, healthy eaters, children, and keto dieters will enjoy the miracle berry just as much! This superfruit will make it easier for you to adopt a low-sugar, healthier lifestyle.
5. Dates
Dates can be an excellent go-to sugar replacement. These fruits are packed with vitamin B6, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, and potassium. They’re also easy to digest and can help metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Dates may even reduce your stroke risk and LDL cholesterol.
Not sure how to use dates in place of sugar? Soak several of them in a bowl of hot water. Next, blend the softened dates and a tablespoon of the water in a food processor to create a date paste, which should be smooth like peanut butter. Use the date paste to sweeten pies, muffins, and your other favorite menu items.
Win the Battle Against Sugar With Natural Sugar Alternatives Today
Winning the battle against sugar doesn’t mean you have to ignore your sweet tooth. You can satisfy your sweet cravings while retraining and reconditioning your taste buds to get used to less sugar.
Enjoy sweets in a healthy way by using the five above-listed natural sugar alternatives: stevia, coconut sugar, monk fruit, dates, and the miracle berry. These natural sugar alternatives can easily become your go-to products for enjoying low-sugar foods and drinks so you can finally achieve your health goals.