How Do Naturopathic Doctors Treat Thyroid Conditions?
Although you may not think about it often, your thyroid plays a significant role in your health and well-being. Its main function is to regulate your metabolism, determining your weight and energy levels, both of which have a major impact on how you feel each day. If you have a thyroid condition, you’re well aware of how big a difference an ill-functioning thyroid can make.
Thyroid conditions include several issues, including an underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism) thyroid, growing nodules on the thyroid, and developing thyroid cancer. In all cases, thyroid disorders are classified as conditions that prevent the thyroid from producing the right hormones for an individual. Worldwide, more than 200 million people suffer from thyroid conditions.
What Are the Signs of a Thyroid Condition?
Most thyroid conditions stem from the thyroid producing too much or too little thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Ideal TSH levels vary depending on a person’s age and whether or not they’re pregnant, but there is not much fluctuation between males and females. High TSH levels from an overactive thyroid can result in:
- Weight gain
- Face and neck swelling
- Fatigue
- Slow heart rate
- Thinning hair
- Dry skin
- Fertility issues
- Constipation
- Depression
Those with an underactive thyroid and low TSH levels can experience:
- Mood changes
- Trouble sleeping
- Weight loss
- Muscle weakness
- Irregular heart rates
- Diarrhea and increased bowel movement frequency
Common treatments for these issues tend to include medication and, in some cases, radioiodine (radioactive iodine) therapy. Medications like propylthiouracil and methimazole can be used to stop hormone production while others like levothyroxine provide synthetic hormones to help moderate TSH levels. While these treatments work for some, others may experience adverse effects or not feel permanent relief. In these cases, they may turn to naturopathic medicine for help.
How Naturopathic Doctors Can Help Treat Thyroid Conditions
Naturopathic doctors are trained to understand and prescribe the same medications as MDs, but they rarely use pharmaceuticals as the only treatment. In most cases, naturopathic doctors combine dietary adjustments with medications and supplements for a comprehensive treatment plan. In all cases, naturopathic doctors treat each patient individually with a personalized plan. Elements of that plan include aiding in medication tapering, understanding base levels, making diet adjustments, and advising on supplements.
- Tapering off medications
If a patient has been on medication, they will likely need to taper off that medication before stating their naturopathic assessment. While there are certain cases where that isn’t possible, such as those receiving treatment for thyroid cancer, most individuals will need to safely stop taking the pharmaceuticals they are prescribed. Naturopathic doctors can help patients do so in a controlled way to help avoid any adverse effects.
- Establishing base hormone levels
For naturopathic doctors, it’s critical to understand an individual’s base hormone levels before prescribing any treatments. Part of understanding a patient’s base levels includes a blood test and a short survey. The survey includes questions to understand base energy levels, unexplained changes in weight, and other signs that can point toward thyroid imbalance.
For the blood tests, there are a few essential factors needed to get an accurate reading. As mentioned, the patient should stop all thyroid medications and stop taking other supplements that may affect the thyroid. They should also fast from food and drink and time their test for the right time of day. Menstruating individuals should also pay attention to where they are in their menstrual cycle before getting a blood test.
- Advising on dietary changes
In many cases, dietary changes can have a positive impact on thyroid health. Although a change in diet may not stop all thyroid symptoms, it will provide an essential building block to hormonal regulation. Some thyroid conditions can stem from autoimmune responses, which can be dampened with dietary changes to improve gut health. Anti-inflammatory diets, such as those with less sugar, starch, and carbohydrates, have been known to help regulate hormonal imbalances as well.
- Providing supplement options
Along with dietary changes, naturopathic doctors can also suggest supplements that can help with an individual’s thyroid conditions. Common supplements like zinc, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids can be coupled with pharmaceuticals to create a supercharged solution to thyroid issues. Naturopathic doctors are specially trained to understand correct dosages and which supplements and medications can work together to improve health.
What to Look for in a Naturopathic Doctor
If you’re looking to find a naturopathic doctor or endocrinologist online, it’s important to look for someone who is rooted in research rather than fads. Naturopathic medicine requires training and can have a lasting, positive impact on a patient’s health. To gain those benefits, it’s important to take your time to find a doctor who focuses on you as an individual rather than pushing the latest supplement or dietary trend as a solution.
Similarly, look for a naturopathic doctor that offers a holistic treatment approach. That means combining supplements, medication, dietary changes, and movement as part of a treatment program. No one pill, powder, or therapy will bring a lasting, healthy solution to your thyroid problems. Only a lifelong commitment to a combination of the right elements for your individual needs will bring you a healthy, fulfilling life. Take your time in finding the right provider and you’ll find the relief you need.